Fulfilling Our Basic Longings

There are four basic longings (Vargas) at the base of the human personality: Physical needs (kama), Psychic needs(artha), Psycho-Spiritual longing (dharma), and Pure Spirituality (moksha or moks’a).  Dada Vedaprajinananda discusses how we can fulfill them and offers one shortcut at the end.

If you have questions or would like to share your thoughts, or requests for a future podcast, send an email to info@dharmacast.com and be sure to subscribe to the podcast at www.dharmacast.com.

Kiirtan: Chant Your Way to Bliss

Kiirtan (often spelled kirtan) is the practice of chanting mantras prior to meditation.  In this podcast Dada Vedaprajinanda goes over the benefits of this practice. The Baba Nam Kevalam (only the name of the most beloved) is the chant referenced in this podcast.