Unlocking Your Full Potential With Yoga and Meditation

This podcast is a recording of Dada Vedaprajinananda speaking at Valparaiso University on February 25, 2017. Dada explained how the eight limbs of yoga can be used to unlock our full potential and explained how the different layers of the mind can be utilized in this endeavor.

Maya and the Means to Overcome It

Maya is often described the force that creates the illusion that we are merely material beings.  In this podcast Dada Vedaprajinananda looks at Maya as the creative force of the Supreme Conscious and outlines ways in which humans can overcome Maya and realize true bliss.

Brahmacarya: Remaining Attached to Brahma

Dada Vedaprajinananda continues with his explanation of the parts of Yama and Niyama, the ethical principles of yoga.  In this episode Dada looks at Brahmacarya, the practice of remaining connected with the Supreme Consciousness during daily life.