How to Practice Spiritual Mindfulness All Day Long

Spiritual mindfulness is the awareness that all the objects that we come in contact with are manifestation of cosmic consciousness. Usually this kind of awareness takes place during silent meditation or prayer, but Dada Vedaprajinananda explains how it can be done in daily life as we go about our usual activities.

Dada’s presentation is based on a discourse “Bhusuku and Brahmabhava” by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (found in his book Ananda Vacanamrtam, Part 33).

To contact Dada visit his website and if you want to find someone who can teach you personally the type of meditation described in this series visit these websites: and

The audio versions of this episode and others in this series can be found at and also on all audio platforms under : Ananda Marga Dharmacast.

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Posted in Spirituality.