We look at the role of supernatural powers in the history of spirituality and in the development of all spiritual seekers.
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We look at the role of supernatural powers in the history of spirituality and in the development of all spiritual seekers.
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The secret of meditation, which has been called, the greatest secret of the universe, is to always remember that the Supreme Consciousness is always watching you. This podcast explains how this can be done.
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Can there be a just God if there is so much suffering in this world. How can we reconcile this? We look at this issue and also explore the law of action and reaction (karma)
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What happens when we die and what happens afterward? Is there a heaven and is there a hell? We explore these questions using the philosophy of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, and the yogic concept of karma and reincarnation as guidelines. For more information about the philosophy underlying this episode see the writings of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti or Dada Vedaprajinananda’s introductory book The Wisdom of Tantra.
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There is one Supreme Being but this Supreme One is addressed with many different names. For spiritual practice it is best to stick to one of them.
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Does God reside in a distant heaven, or is the Supreme Being right here among us? In this episode we look at this question from a philosophical and personal perspective.
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2500 years ago Buddha outlined the steps needed to live an exemplary life. We look at that path from the viewpoint of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti’s more recent talks on that subject, and see what we would is needed to achieve spiritual success in life.
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In this episode Dada Vedaprajinananda (aka Dada Veda) looks at the process of action and reaction and suggests how we can use this knowledge to improve our lives. A video version of this episode can also be found on YouTube.
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We can overcome fear by developing our inner strength through spiritual practice (meditation). In this podcast we look at the Yogic means to overcome fear and obstacles.
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Auto-suggestion (what we think and tell ourselves) and outer-suggestion (the messages that our surroundings give us) play a big role in shaping our destiny. With simple meditation techniques you can take control of this process. This podcast explains how it works and how you can do it. If you want to get personal instruction in meditation send an email to Dada info at dharmacast.com or visit the site https://www.anandamarga.org and inquire. The video version of this podcast is here:
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